Monday, July 9, 2007


From this moment, until the exact same time tomorrow, twenty-fivr thousand (25,000) children will starve to death. that's about one every three seconds. Or think of it this way, every time you take a breath during the next twenty-four hours, one child will stop breathing forever. Although their death may occur today, their suffering has gone on for years.
Their death is a direct result of the private death money system. My challenge to you and every economist, financial adviser and banker is, prove me wrong.
You are about to learn that everything you have ever learned from schools, your parents and your government on the subject of money is wrong; every dollar that you have ever held in your hand was never an asset but always a debt and that "wealth" creates poverty.
Your lesson begins
Taxes do not finance the operation of Canada or the United States of America (USA). This is also true of most countries of the world. The government of both Canada and the USA gave control of their money to a private bank. The Federal Reserve and the Bank of Canada are both private banking corporations. Their names are meant to deceive.
By the early 1930's both Canada and the USA were driven into bankruptcy. Like any company suffering bankruptcy these countries were placed in receivership. Since the early 1930's the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has controlled the finances of both countries. [The IMF is an agency of the United Nations (UN).]
The financial operations of both countries begin with these steps.
1. When a child is born their name and birth date is registered. For every name and birth date that the country registers, the IMF advances that country a specific amount of money. This amount is determined by the estimated amount of taxes the named individual will pay throughout his or her lifetime. The average amount advanced is well over one million dollars ($1,000,000). This amount can and will be increased when the individual graduates from high school and if and when the individual receives a college or university degree. The higher the estimated taxes paid, the higher the amount advanced by the IMF.
2. The country then takes the advance and invests it in a bond using the registered name and birth date of the new citizen. Check your Birth Certificate (large version). Canadians will find that their Birth Certificate is a bank note. Check the very small printing that appears just under the border at the bottom left corner of the Birth Certificate. [Americans will find something very similar on their Birth Certificate.] Everyone will also find a number in red ink. This number will begin with one letter that is followed by six numbers. An example is, B155434. This is the number on my Birth Certificate. The small plastic card will have this number on the back of the card.
3. The bond on each registered name and birth date earns a yearly interest. The interest earned on every bond is used to fund the operations of the government.
4. The IMF now must be compensated for its "investment". To accomplish this the IMF allowed (actually demanded, no, forced is the best word) countries to set up tax collection agencies. In Canada this agency is called the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and in the USA it's called the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). That's right. Both the CRA and the IRS are agencies of the IMF.
It's actually easier than it appears to bankrupt a country. All that needs to happen is for a private bank to gain control of a country's money. Once that has occurred, bankruptcy is guaranteed. Baron M.A. Rothschild (1744 - 1812) knew that when he said, "Give me control over a nations currency and I care not who makes its laws." For an understanding of the difference between the Private Debt Money System (PDMS) and the Public Credit Money System (PCMS) visit:
The following outlines the step-by-step procedure of how money (debt notes) enters circulation in the USA. Notice that the Federal Reserve starts with no money. We live under the misconception that the private banks have vast amounts of money just waiting to be borrowed. As you will see, they have no money to lend.
United States Money (Debt) Creation
1. The government issues a bond. This bond is simply an IOU.
2. The bond is then given to the Federal Reserve.
3. This bond now becomes an asset of the Federal Reserve.
4. The Federal Reserve now issued a check to the congress to enable them to conduct all government business. [The Federal Reserve has just given the government back its own money and now begins to charge the government interest on it.
5. Congress now deposits this check in the Federal Reserve. [Are you getting dizzy yet?]
6. congress can now issue checks to its contractors.
7. Government contractors now deposit their government checks in their commercial bank accounts.
8. These commercial bank deposits are first a liability because they are the property of the depositor. But they then become an asset by way of a name change.
9. These deposits go through a name change and become a "reserve".
10. Ninety percent (90%) of these "reserves" then become an "excess reserve".
11. This "excess reserve" becomes the source of all bank loans to corporations and to the public.
12. These corporate and public loans in turn become more commercial bank deposits.
13. These commercial bank deposits start as a liability, but become assets by changing their name to "reserves".
14. Ninety percent (90%) of these "reserves" then become an "excess reserve".
15. Steps 9 to 14 can then be repeated over twenty times before the process plays itself out.
In the United States, for every dollar of debt the government creates, the banks can create an additional nine dollars of debt. Canada on the other hand does not require banks to hold any reserve. Canadian banks have total freedom to create as much debt out of nothing as will benefit them the most.
Banks lend none of their own money. This point bears repeating often. It is a difficult concept to grasp simply because we have been taught a lie and have learned that lie well. Understand that a signature on a loan application form turns that application form into a bond, an IOU. The signature signifies that someone has agreed to pay the bank the amount indicated on the form, plus the interest charged on the loan. The signed form instantly creates an asset for the bank. In Canada, banks then take this asset to the Bank of Canada and borrow the funds indicated on the application form. The bank then credits the account of the borrower. Again, notice that the bank issued none of its own money. Money (debt notes) is created out of nothing on the strength of someones ability to repay the loan.
By forcing countries to repay more than they borrow, (interest plus loan) private banks were successful in their endeavor to push them into bankruptcy. Good articles that can help you understand how this unfolded can be found at: and,
By studying the above steps that are taken in almost all countries, one can see that enormous amounts of money (debt notes) are created out of nothing. And for the use of this money created from nothing, borrowers must pay interest. The banks never lend the interest so there is NEVER enough money in circulation to pay all the loan and all the interest. As borrowers compete with each other for the existing debt notes to pay their loan plus interest, someone must end up short. And with the shortfall comes unemployment, poverty, homelessness, starvation and finally death. These things are built into the system. They are, in an insidious way, assure, mandated and even guaranteed. This is not difficult to understand.
It is also not difficult to understand that those who have amassed large amounts of wealth have contributed to this situation. Keep in mind that all money has been borrowed and must be paid back. Bill Gates and Oprah did not borrow all the debt notes they have amassed. But, as long as they hold onto this "wealth", it can never be paid back. The sad part is that most of the wealthy people of this world do not know that as they amass their fortune they contribute to the creation of poverty. They, like all of us, have been told that with honest effort and dedicated labor we could all have what they have. But that is a mathematical impossibility using the private debt money system.
Formula for Debt
It is possible to create a formula that shows how each of us aids the private banks in creating debt, thus contributing to poverty. It looks like this.
(L - I) - L = D
L = Loan. All money circulating within our economy has been borrowed. This includes all the money we have ever received as payment for our work.
- I = Interest charged by a private bank.
- L = Loan is subtracted as it is paid back to the private bank.
D = Debt created by the interest charged by the private bank.
Example one: Let's take someone earning $25,000 per year when interest is 5%.
($25.000 - $1,250) - $25,000 = D
$23,750 - $25,000 = D
- $1,250 = D
The result is, Debt = negative $1,250
Example two: Let's take a CEO earning $5,000,000 per year when interest is 5%.
($5,000,000 - $250,000) - $5,000,000 = D
$4,750,000 - $5,000,000 = D
- $250,000 = D
The result is, Debt = negative $250,000
Example three: Let's take someone on welfare receiving $12,000 per year when interest is 5%.
($12,000 - $600) - $12,000 = D
$11,400 - $12,000 = D
- $600 = D
The result is, Debt = negative $600
The debt created always equals the interest charged. Always, always, always.
We have been taught that those on welfare or some other form of social assistance are a drain on our economy. Here we see the truth. They create the smallest amount of debt for the private banks. Insert your income into this formula and learn how much you contribute to the global debt.
A Short Story of a Borrowed Dollar
Many people find it difficult (if not impossible) to understand how the private debt money system contributes to poverty. Instead of trying to understand our total economy with all its billions of dollars, let's look at just one dollar. Let's accept the following as true.
  1. A private bank lent you one dollar ($1.00).
  2. This dollar is the only dollar in existence.
  3. The private bank demand ten percent (10%) interest.
  4. After paying ten percent (10%) or ten cents (.10) you have only ninety cents (,90) left.

My question to you now is how are you going to repay one dollar ($1,00) to the private bank when you only have ninety cents (.90)?

Borrowing one dollar at ten percent creates a debt of ten cents. The debt always equals the interest charged! ALWAYS.

Your task now, should you choose to accept it, is to learn more about this truth and then help educate others. You can do that by making as many copies of this letter as you can, then mailing those copies to as many people as you can. Mail them anonymously if you wish, but mail them. Mail them to people in other states, provinces and countries. Mail them to government officials and demand they work to take back control of our money. Mail them to the wealthy and the poor and those in between. Mail them to sports figures, entertainers, actors and corporate board members. And don't forget employees of all banks and financial institutions.

Learn as much as you can about the public credit money system.






Visit: an example of a public credit money system.

Consider this. Canada has 2,500 trillion dollars worth of natural resources. That's $2,500,000,000,000,000. Canada's national debt is less than 1 trillion dollars. If you had resources of $2,500 and you owed $1, how hard would it be for you to pay off your debt and become debt free?

It would be impossible if you gave a stranger control of all your money and this stranger's wealth and power came at the expense of your being indentured to him. No sane person would do this, right? Why then has our government done it?

Canada and the USA could be debt free tomorrow if their respective governments had the courage to take back control of the issuing of its money.

To read quotes about money made by famous people like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Danial Webster, Abraham Lincoln, John Adams and Andrew Jackson that you will not find in the everyday history books see:

I'll leave you with two of these. The first comes from Sir Josiah Stamp, Director and President of the Bank of England (Yes, a private bank.) during the 1920's.

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of slight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with a flick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control credit."

The second comes from The London Times When the USA was still just colonies. This comment was directed at the fact that the colonies started issuing their own colonial script.

"If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurate down to a fixture, then the government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."

This can still be the truth. All that need happen is for the US Congress to take back control of the issuing of America's money. As Captain Picard of the star ship Enterprise says, "Make it so."

Remember, 25,000 children a day are counting on someone to care enough to act. Will that be you?

Thank you.

David: Healing

Friday, February 9, 2007

A Short Story of a Borrowed Dollar

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit."
- Sir Josiah Stamp, Director and President of the Bank of England during the 1920's




Many people find it hard (if not impossible) to understand how the private debt money system contributes to all the poverty that exists in the world today.

Instead of trying to understand our total economy with its billions of dollars, let’s just look at one dollar. And let’s accept the following as true.

· A private bank lent you one dollar ($1.00).

· This dollar is the only dollar in existence.

· The private bank demanded 10% interest.

· After paying 10% or ten cents ($0.10), you now have ninety cent ($0.90) left.

My question to you is how are you going to repay one dollar ($1.00) to the private bank when you only have ninety cents ($0.90)?

Borrowing just one dollar at 10% creates a debt of ten cents. The debt always equals the interest charged! Always! Always! Always!

Please see:

An Open Letter to Bob Geldof

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit."
- Sir Josiah Stamp, Director and President of the Bank of England during the 1920's





By: david: healing

September 25, 2005

Dear Bob Geldof,

This blog contains articles that I have written with the intent to draw attention to the true cause of world poverty.This open letter was directed to you in September of 2005. You have yet to answer it so I post it again here.

Within the post entitled "Introduction" I state, “Entertainers like Bob Geldof, Bono and so many others spend vast amounts of energy to raise money to fight world poverty. It is a shame that their energy is fuelled by ignorance.” The word “ignorance” has no disparaging intentions. It merely means that there is some information missing from your observations of this dire situation.

And that information pertains to how the present monetary system works. You and all the others who spend money, effort and heart to help others do not see that the effort you expend contributes to the very problem you try to correct.

I beg you to expend as much energy into learning how our present private debt money system takes well-intentioned people like yourself and turns them into the unwitting propagators of the very poverty they strive to eliminate. You cannot correct any problem until you truly understand its cause. Understand your part in the cause of world poverty and you can with your talents finally make poverty history.

When you start doing things that the International Monetary Fund, the World Band and all those who support these organisations object to, you will be walking the right road to the solution. When Mr Bush, Mr. Martin, Mr. Blair and others pat you on the back and say, “Well done” know that you are going the wrong way. You’re going the wrong way because you cause more money to be borrowed, and that causes more debt that can never be repaid. The World Bank loves what you do. Again I beg you, please stop.

You have the ability and the opportunity to grab the world stage and voice to the world for the first time the cause and the solution to world poverty. Please don’t miss it. There may not be another with your abilities for a long time.

It is not wealth that is the problem. It is the debt created by the interest associated with our present money system that is the problem. To make poverty history all Governments need to take back control of their money and issue it interest and debt free.

Please help the world change from the private debt money system to the public credit money system.

Please read my blog entitled "The Cause of Poverty".

If you can prove I'm wrong, please do.

Thank you

david healing

Please see:

An Open Letter to Ecomomists

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit."
- Sir Josiah Stamp, Director and President of the Bank of England during the 1920's



Dear Economists of the World,

In all your wonderful economic concepts and models it appears to me that you have missed one important fact. And that fact is the interest on all loans is never payable! Add this little bit of knowledge to all your models and they all fall flat on their face.

If one individual borrowed all the money presently in circulation in the world today, when it came time to repay the loan plus interest he or she would only be able to pay the amount of the original loan as that is the only money that was borrowed and thus the only money that exists. The interest would remain unpaid. Divide that one loan into the billions of pieces that represent billions of borrowers in the world today and the result is the same. There is always only enough money in existence to pay the original loan. The interest remains forever unpayable.

When you finally understand and know this as a fact, you will see how debt must accumulate with those who must buy resources from other while having few or no resources to sell in return.

You must learn that by using the private debt money system that is in place in the world today poverty cannot be avoided!

It is my belief and hope that all economists truly desire to create a world economic model that will result in every human being having the ability to earn a decent living. And one that guarantees that a decent living for one does not mandate poverty for others as our present money system does.

This can only be accomplished by using some form of the public credit money system. Have you heard of that one before or is it something someone forgot to teach you?

Only by using the public credit money system will the world be freed from poverty. Only then will 20,000 not die each day from starvation. Just think of the true joy and peace you can help manifest in our world of abundance.

Become a true hero and stop working for the International monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Thanks for listening,

david: healing

Please see:

An Open Letter to Young Consumers

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit."
- Sir Josiah Stamp, Director and President of the Bank of England during the 1920's



Dear Young Consumers,

You are about to be told a sad secret. One that the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank do not want you to know. You have been taught that money is good to amass and that the more money you have the happier your life will be. You have been taught that if everyone just worked hard and earned money this world would be a more abundant place.

Virtually all advertising is aimed at you to get you to buy, buy and buy some more. All your current idols are constantly flashed in front of you and what they model and produce you are encouraged to buy. Buy and you will be happy. Buy and you too will be admired. Buy and you too will be assured of a good life.

Let me assure you that all of this is not true. The real reason you are being encouraged to buy in to help the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank control the world.

Let me tell you of their sad secret. I an hoping that you can understand this more than all passed generations have been able to understand it.

The International Monetary Fund and The World Bank operate what is known as the private debt money system. This means that someone borrowed every dollar that you have ever had in your possession and every dollar you ever spent. It had to be borrowed in order for it to be circulating in our society. The banks then charge interest on all the money that has been borrowed.

This may seem only fair on the surface but you are about to learn what most of your parent were never aware of. It is the interest that gives the banks the control they seek, and it is the interest that creates all the poverty in the world! Worst of all it is the interest that causes 20,000 children a day to starve to death.

All this occurs because there is never enough money within our world to repay all our loans plus the interest. The banks lend the money but never the money needed to pay the interest. Please try to understand this important point. There is always only enough money in the world to repay the original loans. The interest can never be paid because there is never enough money to do that.

The interest becomes the hot potato that nobody wants. And like the hot potato the interest gets passed to the poorest and the weakest in the world. As rich countries pull the existing money to themselves so that they can pay their loans and the interest on their loans, the poor countries find themselves with less money than they need just to pay their loans. Thus the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.

The reason you are encouraged to buy is to create more debt with countries who will not be able to repay their loans. On the surface this sounds silly. Why would the banks want some countries not to be able to repay their loans? Because that gives the bank the opportunity to step in and take control of these countries.

Look at the resent talk of the World Bank to forgive the loans of the poorest countries in Africa. What the World Bank asks for in return for wiping these loans of the books is total control of the country. Now the World Bank will virtually own these countries and enslave their people.

The sad connection between you and this occurrence is that the more you buy, the greater the debt that gets transferred to the poorest countries and the greater control for the World Bank. You are going to be the first full generation to truly understand this connection. You and your generation will be the first ones who can truly make a positive difference in these events.

What must occur for poverty to finally be over for all human beings is that you must work to change this insidious money system to one that guarantees abundance for all. That system is called the public credit money system. For this change to come into effect our government must take back control of our money.

You can make a difference in the lives of over 20,000 children a day. Start today by resisting the urge to buy and becoming willing to have less until all children can have enough. Both you and they are worth the effort.

Thank you,

david: healing

Please see:


"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit."
- Sir Josiah Stamp, Director and President of the Bank of England during the 1920's




Do you know that today, in this world of abundance over 20,000 children starved to death?

And, do you know that you are a contributing factor to that number? Do you know that there is something you do that directly contributed to others experiencing poverty to such a degree that the final result for over 20,000 children is death by starvation? Can you think of what that action may be?

It may surprise you to know that something you do very casually almost every day could have such a devastating effect on so many innocent lives. But let me assure you that this is a fact. If at the end of this notice you disagree with this statement, you will be presented with a very simple challenge that will allow you to prove it to yourself one way or another.

In truth, there is not just one thing that you do that ensures your contribution; there are two things. They are;

1- you earn money.

2- you spend money.

To understand how these two activities ensure your contribution to the starvation death of over 20,000 children and to truly understand how to make poverty history you first must understand the cause of poverty.


In order to Make Poverty History many thing must happen. First and primary of these is the need to identify poverty’s cause. Nothing will change in the amount of poverty in the world until we all have a firm and true understanding of the cause of poverty. We can say that poverty exists because many people lack the funds to purchase the necessary food, clothing and shelter for themselves and their family. And we can believe that by finding ways to direct the necessary fund toward these people poverty will become history. But that would be a very short-lived solution. Very quickly we would find that poverty would reappear because the true cause had not been addressed.


Simply stated, the greatest cause of poverty in the world today is the private debt money system. How it accomplishes this feat is a fact known by the international bankers and very few others. The international bankers did not start out with the intention of creating or increasing poverty. Their intention was to gain control and power by cultivating a debt that can never be paid.

Their plan was so slick that they pulled it off right in front of our eyes and we never saw how it was done. In fact, we never even saw that it was done or, that we aided them in reaching their goal. Even with all the facts out in the open most of us still have difficulty understanding and accepting that it has happened and that it is still happening. What we find the most difficult to accept is the effect of our continuing role in the process of debt creation, or the process I call debt farming.

When farmers wants to grow an abundant crop they start with a seed. With the right amount of water, sunlight and nutrients the seed sprouts and grows into a healthy plant. The international bankers have planted a seed. That seed came in the form of a subtle suggestion. That suggestion was, “Grant us control of your money and you will have all the wealth you desire.” Even today as most people in North America live three pay cheques away from bankruptcy we still believe that insane thought. That attests to how well it was planted and nurtured.

The very wealthy are held up before our eyes as an example of what awaits us if we only accept this suggestion and persevere. So we accept it and mortgage ourselves to the private banks. We accept their loans and agree to pay them their interest in the hope that we too can reap our share this perceived wealth.

Debt, grown from the interest charge on loans, is the crop that the private banks harvest. Interest is the plant that produces the chain (debt) that they are using to slowly shackle the world to an unpayable debt. Each and every purchase we make adds another small link in that heavy chain. It does not matter if we borrowed the dollars we use to make that purchase, for once the dollar has been borrowed, interest is assured.

We are very much like a seed in the ground. Once germinated, the seed does everything in its power to ensure its growth. For the seed it becomes, “My growth above all others.” Once we sign on to the private debt money system out thought too becomes, “Our growth above all others.” Somehow we seem to know that the debt created by the interest charges will stay with us if it is not passed to someone else. And it matters not who that someone is.

In the world today all the poverty-stricken countries in which millions are starving to death each year represent that someone. Their debt equals the amount of interest the rich countries have been able to transfer to them.

It is imperative that we realise that the interest can never be paid. Only the principle is ever loaned. The money to pay the interest is never lent. As we use the principle to pay the interest we reduce the money needed to pay the principle. This is how the interest is converted to debt. The debt grows at the rate that interest is paid!

There is one solution and one solution only to this insane situation we find ourselves in today. We the people must demand that our government take back control of our money. Money must be issued interest free and debt free. No private corporation is going to do this. It must be the people through the Government of the People that controls all money in all countries. Interest of any amount can never be paid and will always lead to debt.

This debt has always been the hot potato that nobody wants. When we understand that debt is created as we pay interest, we will begin to see how this debt flows to the weaker players in this global monopoly game. As more and more debt builds within the world, more and more poverty will appear.

We must ask ourselves, “How many starving children is my car worth; how many for my home, my business, my jewellery, my fancy cloths, my vacation, my entertainment, etc. For in this world, under the private debt money system that is truly what our abundance is costing. Our excesses are being paid for by the starvation death of over six million, (6,000,000) children a year.

“We have met the enemy, but we have not yet accepted that he is us.”


How it works to enslave us to its forever increasing debt

All money circulating within Canada and virtually every other country of the world has been borrowed from a private bank. There is much made of the fact that there is no gold backing all of this fiat money but in relation to the growing debt that fact has little to do with it. If private banks were forced to have an equal value of gold in reserve for the value of money they lend it would just mean that they would not be able to lend as much as they now do. And that would only mean that our debt would grow at a slower rate.

All the debt in the world basically equals all the interest charged on all the money borrowed from all private banks. The private banks lend a specific amount of money to the borrowers. They then charge a specific interest on the loans. But they never lend the money to pay the interest. That means that there never exists within our global society enough money to pay all the loans plus the interest. The shortfall always equals the amount of the interest charged.

The total world debt grows at a rate that equals all the un-payable interest charged by the private banks! Although it works in a different way, the same scenario can be seen at work in casinos where the house (read private bank) takes a percentage of every pot. If no new money came to the table and the money on the table just shifted back and forth between the player, eventually the percentage taken by the house would reduce that money on the table to zero.

If the players wished to continue they would be forced to borrow more money. In our global society, as we use the money that was borrowed to pay toward the interest out of necessity we end up with insufficient funds to pay the original debt. More money must be borrowed which in turn increases the debt owed to the private banks. It is important to understand that no matter how much money is borrowed from private banks and no matter how it circulates throughout our society, there will never be enough money to pay the loans plus the interest due on those loans!

When someone does manage to accumulate enough money to pay their loan plus the interest, it just means that there will be another who, by necessity, must have less.

The private debt money system had its birth when governments made the insane decision to give away control of their country’s money to a private banking entity. In Canada that private banking entity is the Bank of Canada, in the United States it’s the Federal Reserve and in England it’s the Bank of England. In theory there appears to be many private-banking entities but in truth there is but one, the World Bank. As with any army, there is only one supreme commander. The World Bank beats the drum that all the other banks march to.

Under the control of the private banks, money has only one avenue into our economy. It must be borrowed. Somebody has borrowed every dollar that you have ever had in your possession from a private bank. And on every one of those dollars the private banks have placed an interest charge. Once an interest charge has been placed on borrowed money, more money must be paid back than was originally borrowed. As the only money in circulation is borrowed money, there are insufficient funds available to repay the loan plus the interest.

By adding an interest charge to all borrowed money the private banks accomplish their prime goal; the creation of debt. Now this may appear to be at odds to what we perceive the private bank’s goals to be. Most people perceive the banks main goal to be “making money”. I contend that their ultimate goal is control over our lives and that they aim to gain that control by binding us to an un-payable debt.

To illustrate this point let’s look at what happens with every loan taken from a private bank. Let’s look at the repayment plan of a $1,200 loan you have taken out for one year at 10% interest.

When it comes time to make the first payment the first thing the banks will ask you to do is pay the interest. The interest payments will be $10 per month. Along with the interest payment will be the payment toward the principal. That will be $100 per month. That makes a total payment of $110 per month. Twelve monthly payments of $110 equal $1,320. You must pay the private banks $120 more than you originally borrowed.

Since the private banks never lend the money to pay the interest, you must secure that money from money that was borrowed by someone else. At the same time other people are trying to secure the money you borrowed so that they can pay the interest charges on their loans. As none of the money needed to pay any of the interest charges was ever (or will ever be) lent by the private banks one thing becomes very obvious. The total global debt held by all countries, governments, corporations and people must equal, at the very least, all the interest charged on all loans taken from private banks. This debt can be more than this, but never will it be less.

Now, as we all compete with each other to obtain the funds needed to repay the principal plus the interest on our loans it stands to reason that some will fail to secure the funds they need. In fact some will lose the principal as well and end up bankrupt.

I contend:

1. That it is the interest on the loans from private banks that creates all debt.

2. That it is the debt that causes virtually all poverty that we see in the world today.

3. That when this poverty caused by the debt created by the interest gets severe enough people starve to death.

4. That as the wealthy amass greater and greater fortunes they help increase the debt. This occurs because interest charges accumulate as long as money circulates. The wealthy have found ways to amass money. Somebody borrowed the money they amass. Somebody must pay the interest charges but it is never the wealthy. They live off the money that others have borrowed for them.

For our global society to operate in such a way that all countries and all people end up with the abundance necessary to truly enjoy life, money must be issued at no interest and carry with it no debt. The only way that this can happen is for our government to rescind the Bank Act and take control of the issuance of our money. We must adopt a form of the public credit money system.

See more of the “Public Credit Money System” and Provincial Credit System” at:

Our government will never, of its own accord, rescind the Bank Act. As citizens we must come to understand the great pressure our parliamentarians are under to maintain the status quo as they continue working for the World Bank. If this change is to take place it must be the people who come together with one voice and demand the change. For the people to do that they must take the time necessary to learn the truth of their situation today.


Your simple challenge, should you choose to accept it, will be to show how the private debt money system can give abundance to all people in all countries at the same time.

It is called a simple challenge but know before you start that I say it is impossible to disprove my contentions. Know also that I would be thrilled if you did successfully disprove them but, like I say, you can’t. It’s on the same level as proving gravity does not make things fall toward the earth.

Remember, you simple have to show that the private debt money system does not create debt; that this debt does not cause poverty; that this debt caused poverty does not get severe enough to cause starvation and that the wealthy do not contribute to all this. In other words, you must simply show how the private debt money system can (not will but can) create the opposite: abundance for all.

Your failure to accomplish this should encourage you to join with other in insisting that our government rescind the Bank Act and adopt some form of the public credit money system.

Some have tried to show that the production and marketing of goods will create the necessary money that will not only pay the interest but will also create profits. Before you go to far down that road let me say that this process actually increases the debt.

To understand how the production of goods increases the debt we need only look at the following simple example. The production of a product has a cost. Let’s say this cost is $10.00. And let’s say the product is sold for $20.00 producing a profit of $10.00. If the original $10.00 that funded the production of this product was borrowed at an interest rate of 10%, then when the loan ($10.00) plus interest ($1.00) is repaid a net profit of $9.00 is realized.

It is important to keep in mind that every dollar in circulation has been borrowed and represents a debt to a bank. So in order for someone to purchase this product for $20.00 someone somewhere had to borrow that $20.00. With this in mind we see that what is a $9.00 profit for the producer becomes a $20.00 debt for someone else. Add interest and it becomes a $22.00 debt. Each time this product changes hands the total amount of debt increase. The products of a profitable company create two things, the first a profit, the second a debt. But always, always, the debt is greater than the profit. Simple math says that if a positive is added to a negative where the negative is greater, the result is always a negative. Whether we look at this simple example or the most complicated one, the result is the same. Always the debt will be greater than the profit!

Whether the product is a physical product like a lamp or an intangible like copyright licensing, or a donation to feed the poor, if money changed hands, a debt was created or maintained.

That is how I know that you are a contributor to the global debt. And that is how I know that you are a contributor to the starvation death of over 20,000 children a day. Once we truly know this as a fact, the only question that arises is, “Are we going to do anything about it?” And if we decide that something needs to be done, “What will that be?”

The answer for me to the first question is an strong, “Yes.” To the second question there is but one sane answer, “Take back control of our money!” Money must enter circulation interest and debt free. Don’t let anyone tell you that this is impossible. Both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy did it. If they were not killed and their policies were allowed to continue, the United States would be debt free today. They would have demonstrated to the world how to create abundance by using a form of the public credit money system. And the world would have followed.

The bankers, talking about the policy implemented by Abraham Lincoln said the following:

“If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurate down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America….”

Let’s dedicate ourselves to making the dreams of Abraham, John and Bobby a reality. Until we do that their deaths are in vain.

Please send this NOTICE and its simple challenge to all of the following that you know:

All economists

All financial advisors

All finance ministers of all Governments

All Municipal, Provincial, State and Federal elected Officials

All wealthy individuals

All bank officials

All bank employees

All stars of entertainment and sports

All others you believe may be able to successfully disprove my contentions.

Do not be surprised if most of the above ignore any request for assistance you may make of them in this matter. Most of the above people know how to trap money as it circulates through our economy. Few of them, however, know very much about how money enters circulation or the effect that interest has on our society.

Thank you.

David: Healing


If you have difficulty understanding the above the following short story is for you.



BY: David: Healingã

Many people find it hard (if not impossible) to understand how the private debt money system contributes to all the poverty that exists in the world today.

Instead of trying to understand our total economy with its billions of dollars, let’s just look at one dollar. And let’s accept the following as true.

· A private bank lent you one dollar ($1.00).

· This dollar is the only dollar in existence.

· The private bank demanded 10% interest.

· After paying 10% or ten cents ($0.10), you now have ninety cent ($0.90) left.

My question to you is how are you going to repay one dollar ($1.00) to the private bank when you only have ninety cents ($0.90)?

Borrowing just one dollar at 10% creates a debt of ten cents. The debt always equals the interest charged! Always! Always! Always!

Please see:


"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit."
- Sir Josiah Stamp, Director and President of the Bank of England during the 1920's
This is a petition anyone can print out and circulate if they wish. Send them to the Prime Minister. Whoever that may be at the time.



The sovereign people of

The Dominion of Canada


The Government of Canada,


Rescind the Bank Act,

take back control of the issuance of our money


implement a form of the

Public Credit Money System.

We, the undersigned sovereign people of The Dominion of Canada, petition The Government of Canada to rescind the Bank Act, take back the control of the issuance of our money and implement a form of the Public Credit Money System under the control of The Government of Canada for the sovereign people of Canada, for the following reasons:

1. The existing and present Private Debt Money System as can be demonstrated, can only lead our country and its citizenry into more and more debt.

2. The existing and present Private Debt Money System forces Canada and its citizenry to compete with others for the limited amount of money the private banks allow to be borrowed into circulation. As this system guarantees that there is never enough money in circulation to pay all existing loans, debt is guaranteed.

3. Canada is a nation of vast natural resources, and under the Private Debt Money System ends up exporting a greater value of goods than it imports. This means that Canada can use the borrowed funds of others to pay toward its debt. This also means that Canada plays a big part in the increase of debt to smaller, weaker countries and therefore shares responsibility for their poverty. This should not continue.

4. By implementing a form of the Public Credit Money System Canada could eliminate its debt simply by issuing the money that would be backed by its twenty-five hundred trillion dollars ($2,500,000,000,000,000) worth of natural resources.

5. By implementing a form of the Public Debt Money System Canada would be demonstrating to all other countries how to get out from under the control of the private banks and how to eliminate poverty in the world.

Name (print) Address


Please see: