Monday, July 9, 2007


From this moment, until the exact same time tomorrow, twenty-fivr thousand (25,000) children will starve to death. that's about one every three seconds. Or think of it this way, every time you take a breath during the next twenty-four hours, one child will stop breathing forever. Although their death may occur today, their suffering has gone on for years.
Their death is a direct result of the private death money system. My challenge to you and every economist, financial adviser and banker is, prove me wrong.
You are about to learn that everything you have ever learned from schools, your parents and your government on the subject of money is wrong; every dollar that you have ever held in your hand was never an asset but always a debt and that "wealth" creates poverty.
Your lesson begins
Taxes do not finance the operation of Canada or the United States of America (USA). This is also true of most countries of the world. The government of both Canada and the USA gave control of their money to a private bank. The Federal Reserve and the Bank of Canada are both private banking corporations. Their names are meant to deceive.
By the early 1930's both Canada and the USA were driven into bankruptcy. Like any company suffering bankruptcy these countries were placed in receivership. Since the early 1930's the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has controlled the finances of both countries. [The IMF is an agency of the United Nations (UN).]
The financial operations of both countries begin with these steps.
1. When a child is born their name and birth date is registered. For every name and birth date that the country registers, the IMF advances that country a specific amount of money. This amount is determined by the estimated amount of taxes the named individual will pay throughout his or her lifetime. The average amount advanced is well over one million dollars ($1,000,000). This amount can and will be increased when the individual graduates from high school and if and when the individual receives a college or university degree. The higher the estimated taxes paid, the higher the amount advanced by the IMF.
2. The country then takes the advance and invests it in a bond using the registered name and birth date of the new citizen. Check your Birth Certificate (large version). Canadians will find that their Birth Certificate is a bank note. Check the very small printing that appears just under the border at the bottom left corner of the Birth Certificate. [Americans will find something very similar on their Birth Certificate.] Everyone will also find a number in red ink. This number will begin with one letter that is followed by six numbers. An example is, B155434. This is the number on my Birth Certificate. The small plastic card will have this number on the back of the card.
3. The bond on each registered name and birth date earns a yearly interest. The interest earned on every bond is used to fund the operations of the government.
4. The IMF now must be compensated for its "investment". To accomplish this the IMF allowed (actually demanded, no, forced is the best word) countries to set up tax collection agencies. In Canada this agency is called the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and in the USA it's called the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). That's right. Both the CRA and the IRS are agencies of the IMF.
It's actually easier than it appears to bankrupt a country. All that needs to happen is for a private bank to gain control of a country's money. Once that has occurred, bankruptcy is guaranteed. Baron M.A. Rothschild (1744 - 1812) knew that when he said, "Give me control over a nations currency and I care not who makes its laws." For an understanding of the difference between the Private Debt Money System (PDMS) and the Public Credit Money System (PCMS) visit:
The following outlines the step-by-step procedure of how money (debt notes) enters circulation in the USA. Notice that the Federal Reserve starts with no money. We live under the misconception that the private banks have vast amounts of money just waiting to be borrowed. As you will see, they have no money to lend.
United States Money (Debt) Creation
1. The government issues a bond. This bond is simply an IOU.
2. The bond is then given to the Federal Reserve.
3. This bond now becomes an asset of the Federal Reserve.
4. The Federal Reserve now issued a check to the congress to enable them to conduct all government business. [The Federal Reserve has just given the government back its own money and now begins to charge the government interest on it.
5. Congress now deposits this check in the Federal Reserve. [Are you getting dizzy yet?]
6. congress can now issue checks to its contractors.
7. Government contractors now deposit their government checks in their commercial bank accounts.
8. These commercial bank deposits are first a liability because they are the property of the depositor. But they then become an asset by way of a name change.
9. These deposits go through a name change and become a "reserve".
10. Ninety percent (90%) of these "reserves" then become an "excess reserve".
11. This "excess reserve" becomes the source of all bank loans to corporations and to the public.
12. These corporate and public loans in turn become more commercial bank deposits.
13. These commercial bank deposits start as a liability, but become assets by changing their name to "reserves".
14. Ninety percent (90%) of these "reserves" then become an "excess reserve".
15. Steps 9 to 14 can then be repeated over twenty times before the process plays itself out.
In the United States, for every dollar of debt the government creates, the banks can create an additional nine dollars of debt. Canada on the other hand does not require banks to hold any reserve. Canadian banks have total freedom to create as much debt out of nothing as will benefit them the most.
Banks lend none of their own money. This point bears repeating often. It is a difficult concept to grasp simply because we have been taught a lie and have learned that lie well. Understand that a signature on a loan application form turns that application form into a bond, an IOU. The signature signifies that someone has agreed to pay the bank the amount indicated on the form, plus the interest charged on the loan. The signed form instantly creates an asset for the bank. In Canada, banks then take this asset to the Bank of Canada and borrow the funds indicated on the application form. The bank then credits the account of the borrower. Again, notice that the bank issued none of its own money. Money (debt notes) is created out of nothing on the strength of someones ability to repay the loan.
By forcing countries to repay more than they borrow, (interest plus loan) private banks were successful in their endeavor to push them into bankruptcy. Good articles that can help you understand how this unfolded can be found at: and,
By studying the above steps that are taken in almost all countries, one can see that enormous amounts of money (debt notes) are created out of nothing. And for the use of this money created from nothing, borrowers must pay interest. The banks never lend the interest so there is NEVER enough money in circulation to pay all the loan and all the interest. As borrowers compete with each other for the existing debt notes to pay their loan plus interest, someone must end up short. And with the shortfall comes unemployment, poverty, homelessness, starvation and finally death. These things are built into the system. They are, in an insidious way, assure, mandated and even guaranteed. This is not difficult to understand.
It is also not difficult to understand that those who have amassed large amounts of wealth have contributed to this situation. Keep in mind that all money has been borrowed and must be paid back. Bill Gates and Oprah did not borrow all the debt notes they have amassed. But, as long as they hold onto this "wealth", it can never be paid back. The sad part is that most of the wealthy people of this world do not know that as they amass their fortune they contribute to the creation of poverty. They, like all of us, have been told that with honest effort and dedicated labor we could all have what they have. But that is a mathematical impossibility using the private debt money system.
Formula for Debt
It is possible to create a formula that shows how each of us aids the private banks in creating debt, thus contributing to poverty. It looks like this.
(L - I) - L = D
L = Loan. All money circulating within our economy has been borrowed. This includes all the money we have ever received as payment for our work.
- I = Interest charged by a private bank.
- L = Loan is subtracted as it is paid back to the private bank.
D = Debt created by the interest charged by the private bank.
Example one: Let's take someone earning $25,000 per year when interest is 5%.
($25.000 - $1,250) - $25,000 = D
$23,750 - $25,000 = D
- $1,250 = D
The result is, Debt = negative $1,250
Example two: Let's take a CEO earning $5,000,000 per year when interest is 5%.
($5,000,000 - $250,000) - $5,000,000 = D
$4,750,000 - $5,000,000 = D
- $250,000 = D
The result is, Debt = negative $250,000
Example three: Let's take someone on welfare receiving $12,000 per year when interest is 5%.
($12,000 - $600) - $12,000 = D
$11,400 - $12,000 = D
- $600 = D
The result is, Debt = negative $600
The debt created always equals the interest charged. Always, always, always.
We have been taught that those on welfare or some other form of social assistance are a drain on our economy. Here we see the truth. They create the smallest amount of debt for the private banks. Insert your income into this formula and learn how much you contribute to the global debt.
A Short Story of a Borrowed Dollar
Many people find it difficult (if not impossible) to understand how the private debt money system contributes to poverty. Instead of trying to understand our total economy with all its billions of dollars, let's look at just one dollar. Let's accept the following as true.
  1. A private bank lent you one dollar ($1.00).
  2. This dollar is the only dollar in existence.
  3. The private bank demand ten percent (10%) interest.
  4. After paying ten percent (10%) or ten cents (.10) you have only ninety cents (,90) left.

My question to you now is how are you going to repay one dollar ($1,00) to the private bank when you only have ninety cents (.90)?

Borrowing one dollar at ten percent creates a debt of ten cents. The debt always equals the interest charged! ALWAYS.

Your task now, should you choose to accept it, is to learn more about this truth and then help educate others. You can do that by making as many copies of this letter as you can, then mailing those copies to as many people as you can. Mail them anonymously if you wish, but mail them. Mail them to people in other states, provinces and countries. Mail them to government officials and demand they work to take back control of our money. Mail them to the wealthy and the poor and those in between. Mail them to sports figures, entertainers, actors and corporate board members. And don't forget employees of all banks and financial institutions.

Learn as much as you can about the public credit money system.






Visit: an example of a public credit money system.

Consider this. Canada has 2,500 trillion dollars worth of natural resources. That's $2,500,000,000,000,000. Canada's national debt is less than 1 trillion dollars. If you had resources of $2,500 and you owed $1, how hard would it be for you to pay off your debt and become debt free?

It would be impossible if you gave a stranger control of all your money and this stranger's wealth and power came at the expense of your being indentured to him. No sane person would do this, right? Why then has our government done it?

Canada and the USA could be debt free tomorrow if their respective governments had the courage to take back control of the issuing of its money.

To read quotes about money made by famous people like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Danial Webster, Abraham Lincoln, John Adams and Andrew Jackson that you will not find in the everyday history books see:

I'll leave you with two of these. The first comes from Sir Josiah Stamp, Director and President of the Bank of England (Yes, a private bank.) during the 1920's.

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of slight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with a flick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control credit."

The second comes from The London Times When the USA was still just colonies. This comment was directed at the fact that the colonies started issuing their own colonial script.

"If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurate down to a fixture, then the government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."

This can still be the truth. All that need happen is for the US Congress to take back control of the issuing of America's money. As Captain Picard of the star ship Enterprise says, "Make it so."

Remember, 25,000 children a day are counting on someone to care enough to act. Will that be you?

Thank you.

David: Healing

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